

Yingkou Yongde Heavy Industry Co., Ltd.

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The necessity of pressure vessel post-weld heat treatment

The necessity of pressure vessel post-weld heat treatment

Date of issue:2020-12-18 00:00 Source:http://www.gxxygy.com Click:

Pressure vessel design is based on given working conditions and process dimensions, considering the requirements of manufacturing, installation and maintenance, and the correct selection of materials for each component of the pressure vessel to conduct a comprehensive load analysis and stress analysis. The pressure vessel manufacturer chooses a reasonable structure type and determines the strength size that is safe, reliable, economical and reasonable. It usually works continuously for a long time under harsh operating conditions. The failure of a pressure vessel or even the damage of a part often leads to the shutdown of the entire device, which may threaten the safety of property and personnel. Therefore, the long-term safety of the pressure vessel is guaranteed. Operation is of great significance to the production of petrochemical and other process industries. The safety of pressure vessels is first determined by the choice of materials, and the properties of metal materials are not only related to their chemical composition and metallographic structure, but also closely related to the state of heat treatment. Heat treatment is an important process to improve the performance of metal materials and their products. GB150 clearly stipulates the heat treatment state of various pressure vessel steel plates in their use. Such as: hot rolled state, normalized state, tempered state, normalized + high temperature tempered state, quenched and tempered state, solid solution state and stabilized state. The quality of the heat treatment of the pressure vessel will directly affect the quality of the product.

Pressure vessel manufacturers

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Liao ICP No. 13002650 Copyright: Yingkou Yongde Heavy Industry Co., Ltd.

Technical support: Yingkou Zhongchuang Network Technology Co., Ltd.



Address: No. 26, Yuanjiao 3rd Street, Xishi District, Yingkou City, Liaoning Province (near Liaohe Bridge)

Website: www.gxxygy.com


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