

Yingkou Yongde Heavy Industry Co., Ltd.

Location: West District, Yingkou City, Liaoning Province

26 Yuanjiao 3rd Street (near Liaohe Bridge)

Telephone: 0417-3299986 


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What is an organic heat carrier furnace?

What is an organic heat carrier furnace?

Date of issue:2015-12-02 00:00 Source:http://www.gxxygy.com Click:

The medium heat organic heat carrier furnace uses coal, oil, gas as fuels and heat transfer oil as a new type of thermal energy equipment for heating as the circulating medium. The high temperature circulating pump is used to force the heat transfer oil to perform a closed loop cycle, and the heat energy is returned to the boiler after the heating equipment is used. The heating process. Because it has the advantages of high temperature (above 320℃) and low pressure (0.3-0.5MPa), and its heating temperature can be accurately controlled, it can replace the original steam boiler for heating. At the same time, the equipment does not need water treatment equipment and there is no heat loss such as running, emitting, dripping and leaking of the steam boiler, so the one-time investment of medium heat products is low, and the operating cost is low. It is a safe, efficient and energy-saving heating equipment.

Related labels:環(huán)保鍋爐

Liao ICP No. 13002650 Copyright: Yingkou Yongde Heavy Industry Co., Ltd.

Technical support: Yingkou Zhongchuang Network Technology Co., Ltd.



Address: No. 26, Yuanjiao 3rd Street, Xishi District, Yingkou City, Liaoning Province (near Liaohe Bridge)

Website: www.gxxygy.com


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