

Yingkou Yongde Heavy Industry Co., Ltd.

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Analysis of the future market of environmental protection boiler

Analysis of the future market of environmental protection boiler

Date of issue:2015-12-02 00:00 Source:http://www.gxxygy.com Click:

From the perspective of China's current energy structure, coal will be the main energy demand structure in the near future. With the call of national green industrialization and green urbanization, China's environmental protection boiler market will show a rising trend in the future. Various relevant policies and product standards of environmental protection boiler will be gradually implemented and formulated. In the next five years, coal will still be the main energy source for industrial environmental protection boilers, and the installation of environmental protection facilities for flue gas emission will be the mainstream, and the main way will be supporting boiler desulfurization, denitration and dust removal equipment. With the support of the national air pollution control policies, non environmental friendly coal-fired boilers will be phased out. Commercial and civil small and medium-sized environmental protection boilers will use clean energy as the main fuel. With the help of state subsidies for environmental protection boilers, their market will gradually expand, replacing the original coal-fired boiler market, Gas boilers and other environmentally friendly boilers have corresponding policy support. Environmental protection boiler

Related labels:環(huán)保鍋爐

Liao ICP No. 13002650 Copyright: Yingkou Yongde Heavy Industry Co., Ltd.

Technical support: Yingkou Zhongchuang Network Technology Co., Ltd.



Address: No. 26, Yuanjiao 3rd Street, Xishi District, Yingkou City, Liaoning Province (near Liaohe Bridge)

Website: www.gxxygy.com


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